
2025 Rates & Dates



SEPT. 13-21 · SEPT. 22-29   ·   SEPT. 30-OCT. 7   ·   OCT. 7-14   ·   OCT. 14-21

OCT. 24-31 ·   NOV.  1- 7   ·   NOV. 7-13 ·   NOV. 13-19

1 on 1 hunt = $10,000 per person (plus tax)

2 on 1 hunt = $8,000 per person (plus tax)




AUG. 29-SEPT. 5, SEPT. 6-13, SEPT. 14-21 & SEPT. 22-29
1 on 1 hunt = $8,000 per person (plus tax)
2 on 1 hunt = $6,500 per person (plus tax)

DROP CAMPS = $2,500 per person for 2-3 people (plus tax) ($200 discount per person for 4 or more hunters)


OCT. 9-14 (deer only)

1 on 1 hunt = $7,000 per person (plus tax)
2 on 1 hunt = $5,500 per person (plus tax)

OCT. 14-21 · OCT. 21-28 (Deer season closes on October 24th.) OCT. 28-NOV. 4 (elk only)
1 on 1 hunt = $10,000 per person (plus tax)
2 on 1 hunt = $8,000 per person (plus tax)

DROP CAMPS = $2,700 per person for 2-3 people (plus tax) ($200 discount per person for 4 or more hunters)


1 on 2 hunt = $20,000 (plus tax) (Call to schedule your dates.)


NOVEMBER 19 – MARCH 31 (Call to schedule your hunt dates)

1 on 1 WILDERNESS hunt = $7,500 per person (plus tax)

(2 lion tags, 2 wolf tags and bobcat per person)

1 on 1 FRONT RANGE hunt = $7,000 per person (plus tax)


APRIL 15 – JUNE 30 (Call to schedule your hunt dates)

1 on 1 hunt = $6,000 per person (plus tax)

2 on 1 hunt = $4,500 per person (plus tax)


1 on 1 hunt = $5,500 per person or 2 on 1 hunt = $3,500 per person, 4-day (plus tax) (2 bear tags per person)


1 on 1 hunt= $6,000 (plus tax) 6-day

2 on 1 hunt = $4,900 (plus tax) 6-day


(Draw Only) If you are interested in applying for one of these tags, please contact us before April 30th.

1 on 2 hunt = $11,000 per person (bighorn sheep) (plus tax)

1 on 2 hunt = $7,500 (mountain goat) (plus tax)


Lake or Stream (four day, four people minimum) = $500 per day/per person (plus tax)


License $195 · Elk $651.75 · Deer $351.75* · Bear $41.75 or $231.75 (front range) · Lion $41.75 or $204.50 (front range)

Wolf $31.75 · Fishing $22.75 (1st day) $7.00 each consecutive day · Archery permit $81.75

*There is an additional $6.25 ($18.00 non-resident) application fee for November deer tags.

License and tag fees may change at IDFG discretion.  All tags except sheep and goat are guaranteed.


(Minimum two people per flight) $450 round trip


Elk $250 · Deer $200 · Bear $150

50% deposit to book hunt (6% Idaho sales tax)

Here are some other costs that should be considered with hunting or fishing trips.

Flying of meat:  

Each year I get one or two clients who question why it costs them to fly their trophies if the trophy is on the same plane as they are. We charge a set price so you can budget what your exact cost will be. If you kill an elk, deer, or bear, you will be charged to fly it out regardless of which plane it flies on. If we must order a special plane, we lose money. If it flies out on your plane, we may make money. We do not make money on flights, taxidermy, or meat processing but we need to break even at the end of the year. Our goal is to serve you as best we can, and it is sad when a hunter has a great time then gets upset over something so trivial.


About half of our clients drive directly to Challis to begin their vacation. The other half fly on a major airline. For those flying, you will find that Idaho Falls (2.5 – hour drive to Challis) is the closest major airport. Boise is the second closest at four hours driving time and Salt Lake is five and a half hours. If you are hunting the front range and driving to camp, Boise is about the same as Idaho Falls (4 hours driving
time). There is no place to return a rental car in Challis or the trailhead so you will have to pay for it while it sits
at the Challis airport.

Meat Processing:  

The cost of processing an elk depends on what cuts you choose. The cheapest for burger and boned out steak is going to cost about $350. Deer is about $120. If you want special cuts such as sausage, be prepared to pay more. The cost of shipping meat UPS is very expensive and depends on where it is shipped in the US. I have hunters on the east coast tell me it costs them $1,200 to $1,500 to have elk/deer shipped home. If you harvest a big game animal and want to save the cost of shipping, you can donate the me at. You will still be charged a fee to fly it out and to process it whether you donate it or not. Just remember the Fish and Game frowns on wanton waste of meat. We will either get your game to a meat processor, or have it hung in our cooler until you get done with your hunt. Even with the great service that Mile High and Middle Fork Aviation provide, the Fish and Game laws state that it is the hunter’s responsibility to take care of their meat.


Your horns, capes, hides, etc. can be shipped to you or you can take them home with you. If you are flying major airlines, our recommendation is to have a local taxidermist mount the animal for you or have him ship the trophies to you. Mile High does not have time or the equipment to do the shipping. We will transport your trophies to the taxidermist if you do not want to take them home.


Over the years I have seen many sorts of gratuities from hunting knives to pictures to basketball tickets to wintertime jobs. The best tip is always cash. If a guide wants a knife, he can buy what he wants. A tip of about 15%-20% is normal. I also feel that a tip is for service, not whether the hunter kills. We expect a lot from our guides and cooks, and we appreciate our hunters taking care of them.


A motel room or bed and breakfast will cost somewhere
around $90 to $210 per night.

I hope this helps you in figuring out what your total cost for a trip will be. We believe there is nothing more aggravating than having unexpected costs and we have done everything we can to consider those costs. If you have questions on any of these items, please talk to us before the hunt.

Mile High Outfitters of Idaho Inc. is licensed by the Idaho Outfitters and Guides Licensing Board; License #7940. Mile High is bonded and insured to operate in the Frank Church Wilderness Area on the Payette National Forest; Krassel Ranger District; McCall, Idaho, Bureau of Land Management; Challis Field Office; Challis, Idaho and the Salmon/Challis National Forest; Salmon, Idaho. We operate in the Middle Fork, Sawtooth and Salmon Zones in game management units 20-A, 26, 27, 36 and 36B. We have been members of the Idaho Outfitters and Guides Association since 1995. Mile High Outfitters is an equal opportunity provider. All hunts are fair chase.

2026 Rates & Dates



SEPT. 13-21 · SEPT. 22-29   ·   SEPT. 30-OCT. 7   ·   OCT. 7-14   ·   OCT. 14-21

OCT. 24-31 ·   NOV.  1- 7   ·   NOV. 7-13 ·   NOV. 13-19

1 on 1 hunt = $11,000 per person (plus tax)

2 on 1 hunt = $8,000 per person (plus tax)




AUG. 29-SEPT. 5, SEPT. 6-13, SEPT. 14-21 & SEPT. 22-29
1 on 1 hunt = $8,000 per person (plus tax)
2 on 1 hunt = $6,500 per person (plus tax)

DROP CAMPS = $2,500 per person for 2-3 people (plus tax) ($200 discount per person for 4 or more hunters)


OCT. 9-14 (deer only)

1 on 1 hunt = $7,000 per person (plus tax)
2 on 1 hunt = $5,500 per person (plus tax)

OCT. 14-21 · OCT. 21-28 (Deer season closes on October 24th.) OCT. 28-NOV. 4 (elk only)
1 on 1 hunt = $11,000 per person (plus tax)
2 on 1 hunt = $8,000 per person (plus tax)

DROP CAMPS = $2,700 per person for 2-3 people (plus tax) ($200 discount per person for 4 or more hunters)


1 on 2 hunt = $20,000 (plus tax) (Call to schedule your dates.)


NOVEMBER 19 – MARCH 31 (Call to schedule your hunt dates)

1 on 1 WILDERNESS hunt = $7,500 per person (plus tax)

(2 lion tags, 2 wolf tags and bobcat per person)

1 on 1 FRONT RANGE hunt = $7,000 per person (plus tax)


APRIL 15 – JUNE 30 (Call to schedule your hunt dates)

1 on 1 hunt = $6,000 per person (plus tax)

2 on 1 hunt = $4,500 per person (plus tax)


1 on 1 hunt = $5,500 per person or 2 on 1 hunt = $3,500 per person, 4-day (plus tax) (2 bear tags per person)


1 on 1 hunt= $6,000 (plus tax) 6-day

2 on 1 hunt = $4,900 (plus tax) 6-day


(Draw Only) If you are interested in applying for one of these tags, please contact us before April 30th.

1 on 2 hunt = $11,000 per person (bighorn sheep) (plus tax)

1 on 2 hunt = $7,500 (mountain goat) (plus tax)


Lake or Stream (four day, four people minimum) = $500 per day/per person (plus tax)


License $195 · Elk $651.75 · Deer $351.75* · Bear $41.75 or $231.75 (front range) · Lion $41.75 or $204.50 (front range)

Wolf $31.75 · Fishing $22.75 (1st day) $7.00 each consecutive day · Archery permit $81.75

*There is an additional $6.25 ($18.00 non-resident) application fee for November deer tags.

License and tag fees may change at IDFG discretion.  All tags except sheep and goat are guaranteed.


(Minimum two people per flight) $500 round trip


Elk $250 · Deer $200 · Bear $150

50% deposit to book hunt (6% Idaho sales tax)

Here are some other costs that should be considered with hunting or fishing trips.

Flying of meat:  

Each year I get one or two clients who question why it costs them to fly their trophies if the trophy is on the same plane as they are. We charge a set price so you can budget what your exact cost will be. If you kill an elk, deer, or bear, you will be charged to fly it out regardless of which plane it flies on. If we must order a special plane, we lose money. If it flies out on your plane, we may make money. We do not make money on flights, taxidermy, or meat processing but we need to break even at the end of the year. Our goal is to serve you as best we can, and it is sad when a hunter has a great time then gets upset over something so trivial.


About half of our clients drive directly to Challis to begin their vacation.  The other half fly on a major airline.  For those flying, you will find that Idaho Falls (2.5-hour drive to Challis) is the closest major airport.  Boise is the second closest at four hours driving time and Salt Lake is five and a half hours.  If you are hunting the front range and driving to camp, Boise is about the same as Idaho Falls (4 hours driving time). There is no place to return a rental car in Challis or the trailhead so you will have to pay for it while it sits at the Challis airport.

Meat Processing:  

The cost of processing an elk depends on what cuts you choose.  The cheapest for burger and boned out steak is going to cost about $350. Deer is about $120. If you want special cuts such as sausage, be prepared to pay more. The cost of shipping meat UPS is very expensive and depends on where it is shipped in the US. I have hunters on the east coast tell me it costs them $1,200 to $1,500 to have elk/deer shipped home. If you harvest a big game animal and want to save the cost of shipping, you can donate the meat.  You will still be charged a fee to fly it out and to process it whether you donate it or not. Just remember the Fish and Game frowns on wanton waste of meat. We will either get your game to a meat processor, or have it hung in our cooler until you get done with your hunt. Even with the great service that Mile High and Middle Fork Aviation provide, the Fish and Game laws state that it is the hunter’s responsibility to take care of their meat.


Your horns, capes, hides, etc. can be shipped to you or you can take them home with you. If you are flying major airlines, our recommendation is to have a local taxidermist mount the animal for you or have him ship the trophies to you. Mile High does not have time or the equipment to do the shipping. We will transport your trophies to the taxidermist if you do not want to take them home.


Over the years I have seen many sorts of gratuities from hunting knives to pictures to basketball tickets to wintertime jobs. The best tip is always cash.  If a guide wants a knife, he can buy what he wants.  A tip of about 15%-20% is normal for the cook and guide combined.  I also feel that a tip is for service, not whether the hunter kills.  We expect a lot from our employees, and we appreciate our hunters taking care of them.  If you are not sure what to tip, please talk to me about this before your trip.


A motel room or bed and breakfast will cost somewhere
around $90 to $210 per night.

I hope this helps you in figuring out what your total cost for a trip will be. We believe there is nothing more aggravating than having unexpected costs and we have done everything we can to consider those costs.  If you have questions on any of these items, please talk to us before the hunt.

Mile High Outfitters of Idaho Inc. is licensed by the Idaho Outfitters and Guides Licensing Board; License #7940.  Mile High is bonded and insured to operate in the Frank Church Wilderness Area on the Payette National Forest; Krassel Ranger District; McCall, Idaho, Bureau of Land Management; Challis Field Office; Challis, Idaho and the Salmon/Challis National Forest; Salmon, Idaho.  We operate in the Middle Fork, Sawtooth and Salmon Zones in game management units 20-A, 26, 27, 36 and 36B.  We have been members of the Idaho Outfitters and Guides Association since 1995.  Mile High Outfitters is an equal opportunity provider.  All hunts are fair chase.

2024 Rates & Dates



SEPT. 13-21 · SEPT. 22-29   ·   SEPT. 30-OCT. 7   ·   OCT. 7-14   ·   OCT. 14-21

OCT. 24-31 ·   NOV.  1- 7   ·   NOV. 7-13 ·   NOV. 13-19

1 on 1 hunt = $8,500 per person (plus tax)

2 on 1 hunt = $7,500 per person (plus tax)




AUG. 29-SEPT. 5, SEPT. 6-13, SEPT. 14-21 & SEPT. 22-29
1 on 1 hunt = $8,000 per person (plus tax)
2 on 1 hunt = $6,500 per person (plus tax)

DROP CAMPS = $2,500 per person for 2-3 people (plus tax) ($200 discount per person for 4 or more hunters)


OCT. 9-14 (deer only)

1 on 1 hunt = $7,000 per person (plus tax)
2 on 1 hunt = $5,500 per person (plus tax)

OCT. 14-21 · OCT. 21-28 (Deer season closes on October 24th.) OCT. 28-NOV. 4 (elk only)
1 on 1 hunt = $8,500 per person (plus tax)
2 on 1 hunt = $7,500 per person (plus tax)

DROP CAMPS = $2,700 per person for 2-3 people (plus tax) ($200 discount per person for 4 or more hunters)


1 on 2 hunt = $20,000 (plus tax) (Call to schedule your dates.)


NOVEMBER 19 – MARCH 31 (Call to schedule your hunt dates)

1 on 1 WILDERNESS hunt = $7,500 per person (plus tax)

(2 lion tags, 2 wolf tags and bobcat per person)

1 on 1 FRONT RANGE hunt = $7,000 per person (plus tax)


APRIL 15 – JUNE 30 (Call to schedule your hunt dates)

1 on 1 hunt = $6,000 per person (plus tax)

2 on 1 hunt = $4,500 per person (plus tax)


1 on 1 hunt = $5,500 per person or 2 on 1 hunt = $3,500 per person, 4-day (plus tax) (2 bear tags per person)


1 on 1 hunt= $6,000 (plus tax) 6-day

2 on 1 hunt = $4,900 (plus tax) 6-day


(Draw Only) If you are interested in applying for one of these tags, please contact us before April 30th.

1 on 2 hunt = $11,000 per person (bighorn sheep) (plus tax)

1 on 2 hunt = $7,500 (mountain goat) (plus tax)


Lake or Stream (four day, four people minimum) = $500 per day/per person (plus tax)


License $195 · Elk $651.75 · Deer $351.75* · Bear $41.75 or $231.75 (front range) · Lion $41.75 or $204.50 (front range)

Wolf $31.75 · Fishing $22.75 (1st day) $7.00 each consecutive day · Archery permit $81.75

*There is an additional $6.25 ($18.00 non-resident) application fee for November deer tags.

License and tag fees may change at IDFG discretion.  All tags except sheep and goat are guaranteed.


(Minimum two people per flight) $450 round trip


Elk $250 · Deer $200 · Bear $150

50% deposit to book hunt (6% Idaho sales tax)

Here are some other costs that should be considered with hunting or fishing trips.


Flying of meat:  

Each year I get one or two clients who question why it costs them to fly their trophies if the trophy is on the same plane as they are. We charge a set price so you can budget what your exact cost will be.  If you kill an elk, deer, or bear, you will be charged to fly it out regardless of which plane it flies on. If we must order a special plane, we lose money.  If it flies out on your plane, we may make money.  We do not make money on flights, taxidermy, or meat processing but we need to break even at the end of the year. Our goal is to serve you as best we can, and it is sad when a hunter has a great time then gets upset over something so trivial.


About half of our clients drive directly to Challis to begin their vacation. The other half fly on a major airline. For those flying, you will find that Idaho Falls (2.5-hour drive to Challis) is the closest major airport. Boise is the second closest at four hours driving time and Salt Lake is five and a half hours.  If you are hunting the front range and driving to camp, Boise is about the same as Idaho Falls (4 hours driving time). There is no place to return a rental car in Challis or the trailhead so you will have to pay for it while it sits at the Challis airport. 

Meat Processing:  

The cost of processing an elk depends on what cuts you choose. The cheapest for burger and boned out steak is going to cost about $350. Deer is about $120. If you want special cuts such as sausage, be prepared to pay more. The cost of shipping meat UPS is very expensive and depends on where it is shipped in the US. I have hunters on the east coast tell me it costs them $1200 to $1500 to have elk/deer shipped home. If you harvest a big game animal and want to save the cost of shipping, you can donate the meat. You will still be charged a fee to fly it out and to process it whether you donate it or not. Just remember the Fish and Game frowns on wanton waste of meat. We will either get your game to a meat processor or have it hung in our cooler until you get done with your hunt. Even with the great service that Mile High and Middle Fork Aviation provide, the Fish and Game laws state that it is the hunter’s responsibility to take care of their meat.

Trophies: Your horns, capes, hides, etc. can be shipped to you or you can take them home with you. If you are flying major airlines, our recommendation is to have a local taxidermist mount the animal for you or have him ship the trophies to you. Mile High does not have time or the equipment to do the shipping. We will transport your trophies to the taxidermist if you do not want to take them home.

Gratuities: Over the years I have seen many sorts of gratuities from hunting knives to pictures to basketball tickets to wintertime jobs. The best tip is always cash. If a guide wants a knife, he can buy what he wants. A tip of about 15%-20% is normal. I also feel that a tip is for service, not whether the hunter kills. We expect a lot from our guides and cooks, and we appreciate our hunters taking care of them.


A motel room or bed and breakfast will cost somewhere
around $90 to $210 per night.

I hope this helps you in figuring out what your total cost for a trip will be. We believe there is nothing more aggravating than having unexpected costs and we have done everything we can to consider those costs. If you have questions on any of these items, please talk to us before the hunt.

Mile High Outfitters of Idaho Inc. is licensed by the Idaho Outfitters and Guides Licensing Board; License #7940. Mile High is bonded and insured to operate in the Frank Church Wilderness Area on the Payette National Forest; Krassel Ranger District; McCall, Idaho, Bureau of Land Management; Challis Field Office; Challis, Idaho and the Salmon/Challis National Forest; Salmon, Idaho. We operate in the Middle Fork, Sawtooth and Salmon Zones in game management units 20-A, 26, 27, 36 and 36B.  We have been members of the Idaho Outfitters and Guides Association since 1995. Mile High Outfitters is an equal opportunity provider. All hunts are fair chase.

2022 Rates & Dates



SEPT. 13-21 · SEPT. 22-29   ·   SEPT. 30-OCT. 7   ·   OCT. 7-14   ·   OCT. 14-21

OCT. 24-31 ·   NOV.  1- 7   ·   NOV. 7-13 ·   NOV. 13-19

1 on 1 hunt = $7,700 per person (plus tax)

2 on 1 hunt = $6,500 per person (plus tax)




AUG. 29-SEPT. 5, SEPT. 6-13, SEPT. 14-21 & SEPT. 22-29
        1 on 1 hunt = $6,800 per person (plus tax)
2 on 1 hunt = $5,500 per person (plus tax)

DROP CAMPS = $2,500 per person for 2-3 people (plus tax) ($200 discount per person for 4 or more hunters)


OCT. 9-14 (deer only)

1 on 1 hunt = $6,000 per person (plus tax)
    2 on 1 hunt = $4,500 per person (plus tax)

OCT. 14-21 · OCT. 21-28 (Deer season closes on October 24th.) OCT. 28-NOV. 4 (elk only)
1 on 1 hunt = $7,700 per person (plus tax)
2 on 1 hunt = $6,500 per person (plus tax)

DROP CAMPS = $2,500 per person for 2-3 people (plus tax) ($200 discount per person for 4 or more hunters)


1 on 2 hunt = $12,500 (plus tax) (Call to schedule your dates.)


NOVEMBER 19 – MARCH 31 (Call to schedule your hunt dates)

1 on 1 WILDERNESS hunt = $7,500 per person (plus tax)

(2 lion tags, 2 wolf tags and bobcat per person)

1 on 1 FRONT RANGE hunt = $6,500 per person (plus tax)


APRIL 15 – JUNE 30 (Call to schedule your hunt dates)

1 on 1 hunt = $4,250 per person (plus tax)

2 on 1 hunt = $3,500 per person (plus tax) 


1 on 1 hunt = $5,500 per person or 2 on 1 hunt = $3,500 per person, 4-day (plus tax) (2 bear tags per person)


1 on 1 hunt= $6,000 (plus tax) 6-day

2 on 1 hunt = $4,900 (plus tax) 6-day


(Draw Only) If you are interested in applying for one of these tags please contact us before April 30th.

1 on 2 hunt = $9,700 per person (bighorn sheep) (plus tax)

1 on 2 hunt = $5,700 (mountain goat) (plus tax)


Lake or Stream (four day, four people minimum) = $250 per day/per person (plus tax)


License $195 · Elk $651.75 · Deer $351.75* ·  Bear $41.75 or $231.75 (front range) · Lion $41.75 or $204.50 (front range)

Wolf $31.75 · Fishing $22.75 (1st day) $7.00 each consecutive day · Archery permit $81.75

*There is an additional $6.25 ($18.00 non-resident) application fee for November deer tags.

License and tag fees may change at IDFG discretion.  All tags except sheep and goat are guaranteed.


(Minimum two people per flight) $450 round trip


Elk $250 · Deer $200 · Bear $150

50% deposit to book hunt (6% Idaho sales tax)

Here are some other costs that should be considered with hunting or fishing trips.

Transportation:  About half of our clients drive directly to Challis to begin their vacation.  The other half fly on a major airline.  For those flying, you will find that Idaho Falls (2.5-hour drive to Challis) is the closest major airport.  Boise is the second closest at four hours driving time and Salt Lake is five and a half hours.  If you are hunting the front range and driving to camp, Boise is about the same as Idaho Falls (4 hours driving time). There is no place to return a rental car in Challis or the trailhead so you will have to pay for it while it sits at the Challis airport. 

Meat Processing:  The cost of processing an elk depends on what cuts you choose.  The cheapest for burger and boned out steak is going to cost about $225. Deer is about $100. If you want special cuts such as sausage, be prepared to pay more. The cost of shipping meat UPS is very expensive and depends on where it is shipped in the US. I have hunters on the east coast tell me it costs them $800 to $1200 to have elk/deer shipped home. If you harvest a big game animal and want to save the cost of shipping, you can donate the meat.  You will still be charged a fee to fly it out and to process it whether you donate it or not. Just remember the Fish and Game frowns on wanton waste of meat. We will either get your game to a meat processor or have it hung in our cooler until you get done with your hunt. Even with the great service that Mile High and Middle Fork Aviation provide, the Fish and Game laws state that it is the hunter’s responsibility to take care of their meat.

Trophies: Your horns, capes, hides, etc. can be shipped to you or you can take them home with you. If you are flying major airlines, our recommendation is to have a local taxidermist mount the animal for you or have him ship the trophies to you. Mile High does not have time or the equipment to do the shipping. We will transport your trophies to the taxidermist if you do not want to take them home. 

Gratuities: Over the years I have seen many sorts of gratuities from hunting knives to pictures to basketball tickets to wintertime jobs. The best tip is always cash.  If a guide wants a knife, he can buy what he wants.  A tip of about 15%-20% is normal.  I also feel that a tip is for service, not whether the hunter kills.  We expect a lot from our guides, and we appreciate our hunters taking care of them.

Motels: A motel room or bed and breakfast will cost somewhere
around $60 to $90 per night.

I hope this helps you in figuring out what your total cost for a trip will be. We believe there is nothing more aggravating than having unexpected costs and we have done everything we can to consider those costs.

Mile High Outfitters of Idaho Inc. is licensed by the Idaho Outfitters and Guides Licensing Board; License #7940.  Mile High is bonded and insured to operate in the Frank Church Wilderness Area on the Payette National Forest; Krassel Ranger District; McCall, Idaho, Bureau of Land Management; Challis Field Office; Challis, Idaho and the Salmon/Challis National Forest; Salmon, Idaho.  We operate in the Middle Fork, Sawtooth and Salmon Zones in game management units 20-A, 26, 27, 36 and 36B.  We have been members of the Idaho Outfitters and Guides Association since 1995.  Mile High Outfitters is an equal opportunity provider.  All hunts are fair chase.