Guided Idaho Mountain Goat Hunts

Guided Idaho Mountain Goat Hunts – 100% Success Rate!

Mountain goat hunting with Mile High Outfitters in the Salmon River Mountains probably represents the best of what Idaho has to offer. These tough, white, throwbacks from the days of glacial ice ages inhabit rough, steep terrain. There are about 20 goat units in Idaho and we guide in 2 of them. Thank God for horses and mules because without them, the hunt would probably stop before it ever got started.  We clear trail all summer to be able to access the goats in our area. If you draw a tag and want to book with us, we need to know as soon as possible in order to get these trails cleared. Goat hunting is not for the weak hearted. There is nothing more beautiful than a lone Billy with thick hair standing on a cliff at 10,000’. They are one of God’s most majestic creatures. The hooves of a goat are convex in shape and allow them to actually work like mini suction cups. If you are a gambler, you can lose a lot of money placing bets against your guides on which rocks a goat can climb.

Mountain goat seasons open August 30th but we prefer to wait until the end of the season. This allows the goats to grow their winter coat. The only drawback to waiting is once it snows, the goats blend in better with their surroundings. If you book with us, we will be keeping an eye on them so it should not be a problem. So far, we have been 100% on goats for our clients.

Most people that look at a goat can’t tell the difference between a nanny or a billy and there is very little difference in the length of the horns between the two genders. It is important to harvest a billy rather than a nanny, however. Idaho Fish and Game is very conservative with the number of goat tags allocated and if the public harvests nannies, they will reduce tag numbers. 

The time to apply is the month of April. We recommend applying early in April. Do not wait until the last day. We can either help you apply or you can apply on your own. If you apply on your own, you will be required to use a credit card and you will be charged a convenience fee. As long as we have time for your check to clear, you can pay us and we will apply for you to save the convenience fee. You must purchase a hunting license first and this is non- refundable. Idaho Fish and Game will send the tag or your refund to the address on the application. Your money will not be sent back to Mile High.

We’ve spent years learning the habits of the game and we want to help you with everything from the application process to caping that huge billy. If hunting an Idaho Mountain Goat is on your bucket list, don’t hesitate to call.

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